Wednesday, November 4, 2020

A Nation's Shame


A Nation’s Shame

November 4, 2020


As I write these words on November 4, 2020, we do not know who won yesterday’s presidential election. Some news reports say it is more likely that Biden will win than that Trump will, but we just don’t know. We do know this. Over 67 million Americans and counting voted to reelect Donald Trump. So far he has carried twenty-four states. A few states remain undecided. Former Vice President Joe Biden has won the rest. Thus the majority of the voters in a plurality of the states plus DC have voted for Trump. He is unlikely to receive the majority of the popular vote, though he’ll fail to receive it only by a very small amount. He is certainly behind in the national vote total only because Biden carried California, the state with by far the largest population of any state. Many of us had hoped that this election would have produced a strong repudiation of everything Trump is and everything he stands for. It did not, and it will not have even if Biden is the eventual winner. We Americans must wrestle with that stark reality and what it means for the current status and the future of our country.

Who is this Donald Trump for whom so many Americans voted? What does he stand for? What policies does he represent? We’ve had more than five years of experience with him as a candidate and as president, so we have no excuse. Who he is and what he represents are on full display before us. They have been for quite some time. I’ll look here both at who Trump is as a person and at what kind of politician he is. One of the frustrations of doing that is that it simply isn’t possible for me to remember and write down every scandal or every outrage he is associated with. So I do not contend that what follows is the complete or final word on how awful Trump is both as a person and as a politician. And of course who he is as a person and who he is as a politician overlap. For what it’s worth, here goes.

Here are some of the more important things about Donald Trump as a person. He is a man who brags of grabbing women “by the pussy,” his crude word not mine. He has been sexually unfaithful to at least two of his three wives. He sees women mostly as sex objects there for the pleasure of men like him. He is an inveterate liar. People who keep track of such things say he has lied publicly something like twenty thousand times since he became president. He simply doesn’t operate within the categories true and false. The truth or falsity of what he says matters to him not at all. He is a racist who calls white supremacists fine people. He took the presidential oath to “preserve, protect, and defend” the US Constitution, yet he violates the rule of law at will, sees the US Attorney General as his personal lawyer rather than as the chief law enforcement officer of the United States that the Attorney General is supposed to be, and disregards the oversight function of Congress. He has no commitment at all to American democracy. He has called for supporters to commit felony voter intimidation and is trying to stop at least Pennsylvania from completing its count of legally cast ballots. As a businessman he fails to pay his debts and forces people to whom he owes money to sue him to recover even a portion of what he owes them. He has defaulted on so many loans that only one bank in New York will lend him money. It has not yet been proven that he has committed bank or tax fraud, although he has certainly been accused of it and is under investigation for it. He has no empathy for anyone at all or at least not for anyone outside his immediate family. The only human suffering he feels is his own. He prefers authoritarian and even dictatorial national leaders like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un to democratic ones. I am in no position to assess Trump’s mental health, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he were found to be a sociopath or to have borderline personality disorder. We’ve had flawed men as president before, Richard Nixon being Exhibit A in support of that assertion. We’ve never had anyone like Donald Trump. I pray that we never will have anyone like him again.

He is if anything a worse politician than he is a person, although being worse at anything than Donald Trump is at being a person certainly isn’t easy. As a president he has been an unmitigated disaster. Domestically he has pursued the tax policies of his Republican predecessors that have, as I recently saw stated, turned millionaires into billionaires and the working class into the working poor. He seems to be hellbent on destroying the environment. He and his minions have repealed every environmental regulation they could. He pulled us out of the Paris climate accords. He is more than willing to destroy planet Earth so his rich supporters can make even more money.

He refuses to denounce racism and white supremacy. He has called white supremacists “fine people.” He calls peaceful protestors for racial justice rioters. He gives dog whistles to right-wing extremists, even those devoted to violence. He encourages them in their racial hatred and violent proclivities. He didn’t condemn the white supremacist Proud Boys for their violence. Instead he told them to “stand back and stand by,” an undeniable dog whistle telling them that the time would come when their violence against peaceful, justice-loving people would be called on to defend our racist culture and institutions.

Then there’s the disgusting way that has responded to Russian interference in the 2016 election in support of his candidacy and the Mueller investigation into that interference. He called a hoax and fake news. He fired his first Attorney General because that man, hardly a paragon of political virtue himself, quite properly recused himself from overseeing that investigation. Trump committed numerous acts of obstruction of justice in his response to that investigation. The Mueller report lays them out in considerable detail. The Department of Justice didn’t indict him for them only because of a misguided DOJ policy against ever indicting a sitting president for anything thereby putting the president above the law at least during the president’s term of office. He had the Attorney General he was finally satisfied would do his bidding rather than uphold the law, William Barr, declare falsely that it exonerated Trump of obstruction of justice, which it very clearly does not. Trump was elected with Russian support, and his businesses are up to their eyeballs in questionably legal Russian money.[1] He has not condemned Putin for offering bounties to Taliban fighters for dead American soldiers. We do not yet know whether or how Russia has influenced Trump’s decisions as president, but there is little doubt that it has done so at least to some extent.

One of the greatest disgraces of Trump’s administration has been its handling of immigration issues. One of the first things he did as president was to impose a ban on people from several mostly Islamic countries from coming into the United States. Courts frequently overturned that ban. He called immigrants rapists and murderers though the crime rate among them is significantly lower than it is among American citizens. In the 2016 campaign he said again and again that he would build a wall all along the US-Mexico border to keep people seeking asylum out of the country. He claimed over and over that Mexico would pay for the wall. Those promises were absurd on their face. The border wall Trump envisions would do next to nothing to keep people out, and there was never any chance that Mexico would pay for it as the Mexican government made perfectly clear. Trump has managed to build pieces of this wall though Congress appropriated no money for it. It has kept no one out, but it has had negative environmental effects by blocking the movement of wildlife. He sometimes claims that the whole wall has been built. It hasn’t.

Far worse than Trump’s nonsense about a border wall is what he has done to immigrant families who made it across the border seeking asylum. In what is nothing less than a crime against humanity and the greatest scandal of a scandal-filled administration Trump’s immigration officers have taken children, some of them still nursing, away from their parents and locked them up in what amounts to cages. For this crime Trump and his advisor Stephen Miller, who thought up this outrage, deserve to spend the rest of their lives in jail. There may be other immigration officials who do too. Even if everything else Trump did as president were admirable, his tearing families apart and keeping children in cages would fully justify removing him from office and putting him in jail for life.

Then there is the disastrous way Trump has handled the COVID-19 pandemic. We know from Trump’s own recorded words that he knew in February, 2020, what a threat to public health the nouvelle coronavirus is and how easily it is transmitted. Yet he lied to the American people about it, saying that the virus would somehow magically disappear. He disparaged the scientists who told the truth about the virus and interfered with the CDC’s public statements about the pandemic and how people should act in response to it. His administration left response to the pandemic up to the states with little or no guidance or help from the federal government. Trump kept urging the states to end the shutdown and isolation orders many of them had issued and to reopen the economy because he thought the economic hit from the pandemic hurt his chances of reelection. It is impossible to know how much of the illness and death the coronavirus has caused is attributable directly to Trump, but the numbers must run into the millions of cases and tens of thousands of deaths at least (and perhaps 100,000 or more). Trump’s administration has handled the coronavirus pandemic worse than has the government of nearly any other country on earth, a fact that on its own should be enough to deny him reelection.

All of these things about Donald Trump and a great many more establish one undeniable fact. Donald Trump is an American fascist. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Reich Minister of Propaganda, would be proud of Trump’s embrace of the big lie as a tool of policy. He would also nod approvingly when told of the way Trump gaslights people into believing things that simply are not true. Trump prefers authoritarian government to constitutional democracy. His domestic policies benefit only the wealthy. He pursues an “America First” foreign policy of isolationism and unrestrained American power. He cares nothing for the rule of law. He approves of extremist bigotry and violence when they suit his purposes. He despises a free press because it tells the people the truth about him and his administration. There is every reason to believe that he would use force to take and retain power if he thought he could get away with it. He pursues a conservative economic ideology when all the evidence shows how destructive it is. He serves up imaginary enemies, usually immigrants, for gullible, bigoted, fearful Americans to blame for their problems in much the same way (though so far without the hellish consequences, thank God) that Hitler served up the Jews as an easy target for angry and fearful Germans. He has no real allegiance to this country, only to his own power. He is an American fascist. About that there simply is no doubt.

All of these sins and failings of Donald Trump are of public record. I didn’t need access to secret information (which in any event I don’t have) to state them. Yet over 67 million Americans and counting voted to reelect him. There is only one possible explanation. All of our country’s talk about being a nation devoted to equality, justice and the wellbeing of our people is nothing but lies. Those Americans who voted to reelect Trump demonstrated beyond any doubt that they embrace his racism, authoritarianism, and personal immorality. Shame is not strong enough a word to characterize what the American people did yesterday. That will remain true even if Donald Trump is not reelected. Healthy, caring, moral people truly committed to something other than their own narrow self-interest do not vote for anyone remotely like Donald Trump, yet more than 67 million Americans did. They have no excuse. The truth is there before them plain and simple. They either chose not to see it or they willingly accepted it as representing their values. They voted their fear and hatred and showed no commitment at all to what we have always said are American values. Shame on them. Shame on us. Shame on the United States of America. Will we ever live down the shame of having made Donald Trump president even once? Maybe, with time, but only if he loses the current election. If he wins it we are lost for a very long time to come. For the sake of our people, for the sake of the people of the world, good Lord let him lose.

[1] For proof of that assertion see Michael Isikoff and David Corn, Russian Roulette: The Inside story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump (New York, Twelve, Hachette Book Group, 2018).

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