Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Reflections on the American Response to 9-11


On September 11, 2001, nineteen men belonging to the Islamist terrorist group al-Qaeda carried out by far the largest, most destructive terrorist attack on the United States yet. I won’t go into all the gory details here. We all know them well enough. I remember waking my wife that morning as I was leaving for work (which I had hoped would be canceled for that day but wasn’t) and telling her about the attack saying, “It’s a terrorist Pearl Harbor out there.” We also know how our country responded to the attack. At first there was a great sense of unity and a swell of patriotism among the American people. Our longer term response consisted of three measures of immense importance to our country and to the world. They were, in chronological order, the US invasion of Afghanistan, the passage of the so-called Patriot Act, and the US invasion of Iraq. Each of those responses is highly problematic in its own way. So is the phrase I hear over and over again about 9-11, “Never forget.” It is the problematic nature of all four of these responses that I want to discuss here.

Before I get into those responses I want to examine the statement I made to my (late) wife that we were experiencing a terrorist Pearl Harbor. The 9-11 attack was similar to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, in at least a couple of particular ways. Both 9-11 and Pearl Harbor were violent attacks on the United States that caused three thousand deaths. Both were attacks by people who considered the United States their enemy. Yet those attacks are significantly different too. The Japanese attack on the US navy base at Pearl Harbor was carried out by a sovereign nation. We knew who did it while they were doing it. The Japanese intended the attack as a means of destroying or at least severely impairing the US Navy’s Pacific fleet. They hoped to eliminate a threat to their brutal, imperialist conquest of much of eastern and southeastern Asia. They very nearly succeeded. The main reason they didn’t succeed at it entirely was that the navy’s aircraft carriers were out at sea at the time. The Japanese also underestimated the determination of the American government and people to defeat the country that had carried out the dastardly attack. They also underestimated America’s ability to restore the fleet and our industrial capacity to turn out the weapons of war.

The 9-11 attack was carried out not by a sovereign nation but by a private terrorist group that was far more nebulous than is a sovereign country. The terrorists intended the attack to have symbolic significance more than they intended to cripple the US’s ability to fight back. They attacked symbolic targets—The World Trade Center as a symbol of America’s economic strength, the Pentagon as a symbol of America’s military strength, and either the White House or the Capitol building as a symbol of America’s political strength. The only reason we don’t know which of those buildings the terrorists intended to strike is because the heroic efforts of the passengers on board one of the airplanes the terrorists hijacked overcame the hijackers and crashed the plane into the ground in Pennsylvania, thereby preventing the terrorists who had hijacked that plane from carrying out their deadly mission. I’ve heard it said that US intelligence officers knew at once that it was al-Qaeda that had carried out the attack, but the rest of us didn’t. Al-Qaeda wasn’t an institution with a fixed, known location the way a sovereign nation is. The nongovernmental, nebulous structure of al-Qaeda made attacking it in response to what it had done significantly more difficult than was responding militarily to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.


The Invasion of Afghanistan


However 9-11 may compare to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the first major US response to the 9-11 was to invade Afghanistan, which we did early in October, 2001. Afghanistan is a predominantly Muslim country just to the east or Iran and just to the west of Pakistan. The demographics of Afghanistan are almost hopelessly complex, with the population consisting of different tribes to whom people tend to pay allegiance more than they do to the nominal national government in Kabul, the country’s capital city. When the US invaded, an Islamist organization called the Taliban controlled most of the country. The Taliban was formed only in 1994, but other Islamist groups had existed in the country for a long time before the American invasion. In late 1979 the Soviet Union, Afghanistan’s neighbor to the north at the time, invaded the country in support of a friendly government in Kabul that was fighting a civil war against various groups most if not all of which were radically Islamist. Because the rebels were fighting the Soviet Union, the United States’ cold war opponent at that time, the US supplied them with arms and other kinds of support. The rebels essentially fought the Soviets to a standstill, and in early 1989 the Soviets withdrew their armed forces from the country. That the Soviet Union, with a land border with Afghanistan, couldn’t subdue the country’s Islamist groups should have been a warning to us. The decision makers in Washington, DC, missed it. Either they were ignorant of the history of Afghanistan, or they knew it but ignored it. Both of those possible truths are, frankly, simply inexcusable.

By 2001 the Taliban, a group from a fundamentalist Islamist tradition that originated in India in the 19th century but which since the late 1970s had been influenced by the strict, reactionary Wahhabist Islam of Saudi Arabia and had received significant financial support from that country, controlled most of Afghanistan. The Taliban did not carry out the 9-11 attacks A fundamentalist terrorist organization called al-Qaeda did that. Most of the 9-11 terrorists, including their leader Osama bin Landen, were Saudis not Afghanis. Al-Qaeda was however ensconced in Afghanistan with the support of the Taliban.

US intelligence agencies believed that bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 9-11 attack, was himself in Afghanistan. So the Americans’ stated purpose in invading Afghanistan was to take out bin Laden and destroy al-Qaeda. We failed to achieve either objective. Al-Qaeda still exists, and US special forces killed bin Laden only years later and in Pakistan not Afghanistan. We did however remove the Taliban from power in Kabul. That government, like the one the Soviets had invaded to support years earlies, was fighting a number of Islamist groups for control of the country, the Taliban chief among them. President Biden recently withdrew American armed forces from the country. The Taliban quickly took over most of the country. If we had never invaded Afghanistan, or if we had withdrawn our forces as soon as it was apparent that we were not going to catch bin Laden there, we would have left the country in the control of the Taliban. Now as did withdraw our forces we have left the country in the control of the Taliban. In other words, the loss of American lives and the expenditure of an immense amount of American money accomplished exactly nothing.

The United States should never have invaded Afghanistan. There are at least three reasons why that is true. First, there was no way we could ever control that country. Some call Afghanistan “the graveyard of empires.” The British never controlled it though they made what is now Pakistan immediately to the east of Afghanistan part of their colony of India. The Russian Empire never controlled it. The tsars expanded their reach in central Asia as far as Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, but they never even tried to incorporate Afghanistan into their empire. The Soviet Union couldn’t control the country There was never any possibility that we could control it. The complex demographics and geography of the country make it essentially ungovernable by any outside force. That we would never control Afghanistan, and that therefore we would never catch bin Laden or destroy al-Qaeda there, should have been obvious to American decisionmakers. It wasn’t. Those decisionmakers did not see what was there plainly to be seen.

The second reason we should never have invaded Afghanistan is something we should have learned nearly thirty years before September 11, 2001. It is the lesson we should have learned from the disaster of the war in Vietnam. We should have learned that we cannot establish and maintain a government of which we approve anywhere in the world by military force alone against the determined resistance of a highly motivated, tightly organized, heavily armed movement that is popular with a substantial portion of the country’s population. That’s what we tried to do in Vietnam, and we failed spectacularly. Setting up a government we liked in Kabul wasn’t our original intention when we invaded Afghanistan. It was however what we ended up trying to do there. There was never any possibility of our doing it. The improbability or even impossibility of success should have been obvious to America’s political and military leaders. It wasn’t, and because it wasn’t we ended up with twenty years of war that accomplished nothing.

There is yet another reason why we never should have responded to the 9-11 attack with military force. We see how this is true when we look at the international dynamic that produced Islamist terrorism in the first place. Islamist terrorists are not terrorists because Islam is terrorist. It isn’t, and groups like al-Qaeda violate some it that faith’s core teachings every time they kill innocent civilians. Rather, Islamist terrorism arose in a historical setting in which we are far from innocent. Empires have occupied and ruled the Muslim peoples of North Africa and the Middle East for well over one thousand years. The first of those empires, the Arab sultanate, was at least indigenous to that part of the world. The others, including the Turks, the British, and French, were not. Today’s borders of the countries in that part of the world were drawn by western imperial powers with little regard for the ethnic and religious diversity of those countries. After World War II the western powers created the state of Israel. Whatever you may think of Israel, it cannot be denied that it was created on land that had been Arab for centuries. It exists on land that had been taken from Arab owners, who then became displaced. Huge numbers of those Arabs and their descendants still live in refugee camps located mostly in Jordan. For a very long time western powers governed the Muslim world from Morocco to Indonesia in their own interests not in the interests of the mostly Muslim populations over which they ruled. It is said that in the Middle East people think the crusades happened yesterday. To them their rule by foreigners must seem like it happened in the last ten minutes. The rise of Islamist terrorism is of course deplorable, but it is far from incomprehensible when we know the history of that part of the world.

Islamist terror was directed against the US in part because of the presence of US military bases in the Middle East, especially in Saudi Arabia. US military action in the Muslim countries of that part of the world, including our invasion of Afghanistan, have only heightened the animosity of a great many Muslim people against the US. It is practically a truism that for every Islamist terrorist we kill we produce ten more. That dynamic should have been obvious to the US decision makers in October, 2001. It wasn’t, and because it wasn’t and because of our country’s righteous anger against the 9-11 terrorists we made the fateful mistake of invading Afghanistan.

It should be clear that the US never should have invaded Afghanistan. That conclusion is obvious in hindsight, but it should have been obvious when our leaders decided to invade that country back in 2001. There was never any chance that we could control the country or establish a stable government in Kabul with sufficient popular support to make it viable. Military action against ideological zealots like al-Qaeda and the Taliban provoke more opposition than they eliminate. We could have responded to the 9-11 attack with traditional law enforcement actions that could have result in bin Laden and others involved the carrying out that attack being taken into custody and tried for their crimes. We didn’t do that. We sent in the Marines. The losses we incurred and our failure to accomplish anything constructive were the inevitable result.


The Patriot Act


The second significant American response to the 9-11 attack was the enactment of something called the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. Quite obviously Congress gave the act that long and cumbersome name because it acronym of USPARTIOT, so we know the Act as the Patriot Act. The Act consists of ten “Titles,” but the essence of the law is that it:


·       Expanded the surveillance abilities of law enforcement including among other things an expanded authorization for the authorities to tap both domestic and international telephones.

·       Authorized the search of property and records without a warrant or the knowledge of the subject person.

·       Eased interagency communications to allow federal agencies more effectively to use all available resources in counterterrorism efforts.

·       Increased penalties for terrorism crimes and expanded the list of activities that would qualify for terrorism charges.

·       Authorized the detention of terrorist suspects without formal charges or a conviction.

·       Made changes to an older law that had established something called the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA), which handles applications submitted by the US government for approval of electronic surveillance, physical search, and other investigative actions for foreign intelligence purposes.


Civil rights groups have alleged that the FISA court authorizes requested action without requiring the government to show probably cause as is required by the Fourth Amendment. Courts have ruled several provisions of the Act unconstitutional. The Act had several sunset provisions but was modified and extended to as recently as 2019.

Congress should never have passed, and the president should never have signed, the Patriot Act. There’s a famous story that has it that at the close of the Constitutional Convention that drafted what became the Constitution of the United States someone asked Benjamin Franklin what the convention had created. He is reputed to have replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” Republics may be at best the best of a bad lot of governmental forms, but republics are difficult to keep. Republics that guarantee certain civil rights to their people are harder to keep, or at least those guarantees of civil rights are harder to keep. Franklin knew that the representational, republican form of government that the convention had just created was fragile. It was fragile even though as originally drafted the Constitution did not contain the first ten amendments that we know as the Bill of Rights. The Constitution was drafted in 1789. The Bill of Rights wasn’t adopted until 1791. As Franklin knew, keeping the new republic was doubtful without those rights of the people. Adding those rights to the Constitution made it even harder to keep.

The civil rights of the people contained in the Bill of Rights are difficult to keep for at least a couple of reasons. The rights the Bill of Rights guarantees are rights of the people against the government. They are limitations of the power of government. They create a delicate balance of power between the people and the state. Some of the country’s people prefer that the state have more power, others prefer that is have less. The courts have created a huge and complex body of case law that deals with that balance of power and the conflicting views on where the balancing point should be. The case law establishes that no constitutional right is absolute. The cases that make up that body of law deal with which way the balance should tip in each case. Most Americans seem not to understand just what the Bill of Rights is and how it functions and does not function. There is always the danger that uninformed public opinion will force the government, including the courts, to tip the balance too far to one side or the other. The courts could tip the balance so far to the side of the government that the rights the Constitution supposedly guarantees become meaningless. Many advocates of civil rights believe that the Patriot Act tips the balance too far to the side of the government.

The second reason why our republic and the Bill of Rights are at risk is that the Bill of Rights is there to do something most Americans don’t understand and tend to oppose once they do understand it. The civil rights in the Constitution are there precisely to protect the rights of people who are unpopular or who hold and express unpopular ideas. As a practical matter no guarantee of rights is necessary to protect people with whom the public for the most part agrees. The problems arise when someone holds and expresses ideas with which most people disagree. The easiest examples of this truth relate to the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech. Some people hold and express ideas that most Americans find to be anathema. The “red scare” of the early 1950s is a good example. Some Americans advocated a socialist form of government and the economy. Some had belonged to the Communist Party, and some continued to belong to it. Most Americans strongly rejected socialist or Communist views on essentially every issue. When I was a child in the 1950s I heard a lot about “godless Communism” Most of what I heard was badly misinformed, but the point is that that’s how most Americans thought about Communism. The demagogue senator Joe McCarthy  tried to use the antipathy most Americans had toward Communism to deprive people who believed in Communism of their constitutional right to express their views. Under the First Amendment the government has no right to do any such thing. Yet in the 1950s surely most Americans would have found the assertion that the government had so right to silence the expression of such unpopular views to be perfectly absurd. That’s why the guarantee of rights in the Bill of Rights is necessary. We need it to prevent the government, swayed by public opinion, from silencing the expression of unpopular beliefs. No one has to protect anyone’s right to say I love my country. For civil rights to mean anything however the state must protect everyone’s right to say that they don’t.

There simply is no doubt that some provisions of the Patriot Ace violated some of the rights guaranteed to the people in the Bill of Rights. It seems undeniable that the Act’s revision of the FISA stature was meant to and did in fact violate the Fourth Amendment. That Amendment reads:


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


The federal courts have held that this guarantee against unreasonable searches and seizures, and the Amendment’s requirement for the issuance of a warrant on probable cause support by sworn statements is so important that a court will prohibit the introduction of any evidence the state has obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment. Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966).

The FISA stature required that the FISA court act only ex parte, that is, with only onside of a dispute, the government, present at any court proceedings. The FISA courts operates in secret. Advocates of the Patriot Act assert that secrecy is necessary to prevent the disclosure of confidential national security information. That may be true, but the court’s secrecy makes it impossible for a person against whom a warrant is issued to challenge the warrant by establishing that it was issued in violation of the Fourth Amendment. If the material submitted in support of the application for a warrant is kept secret even in any subsequent criminal proceedings the defendant is deprived of an important constitutional right, the right to challenge the validity of any warrant issued against them. In this respect and probably in others many provisions of the Patriot Act are unconstitutional in their wording, their intent, and their execution.

One of the greatest threats to democracy and civil rights is the willingness of the people of a country to give up their democracy and their civil rights when they are frightened or made angry by some real or imagined threat to their security. That’s a major reason why democracy and guarantees of civil rights can be so hard to maintain. In 1933 Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, the top position in the government, under the constitution of the Weimar Republic that had been established after World War I. It was clear when the head of state, President Paul von Hindenburg, made Hitler chancellor that Hitler was a totalitarian and no friend of democracy and civil rights at all. But the people were afraid. They were afraid of the threat (as most of them saw it) of Communism on the Soviet model taking over their country. They were afraid of what the future might hold for them because of the widespread economic uncertainty of the time. They were angry about the grossly unfair terms of the Treaty of Versailles that the victorious allies imposed on Germany after World War I. So they accepted Adolf Hitler as chancellor and supported him as he dismantled the democracy of the Weimar Republic and imposed a reign of oppression and terror on their nation. In the 1930s most German people willingly gave up their democracy and their rights because of their fear and anger.

In the wake of the 9-11 terrorist attack on the United States most Americans were afraid of the threat of future terrorist attacks. I do not mean to suggest that they had no reason to be afraid. They did. The problem is that they therefore let their elected representatives pass and enforce a law that on its face violates their rights under the Fourth Amendment (and possibly other Amendments as well). Most Americans, it seems, were quite willing to give up those rights in exchange for what they saw as increased security. That the people will freely give up their rights when they are afraid or angry is the greatest threat to democracy and freedom. Our country gave in to that threat when it enacted the Patriot Act. As Franklin is supposed to have said, we have a republic if we can keep it. We have a democracy and civil rights only if we can keep them. The Patriot Act was a step in the direction of not keeping them. We were attacked by people with no commitment to democracy and civil rights at all. To some extend we did to ourselves what Osama bin Laden could never do to us. We compromised the values we claim to uphold. That we did makes the passage of the Patriot Act an inappropriate and harmful response to the 9-11 terrorist attack.


The Invasion of Iraq


On March 19, 2003, two and a half years after 9-11, The United States launched an air assault on the country of Iraq. The next day we sent in the army to conduct a ground war against the government of that country. It took about one month for the American and allied forces to occupy Baghdad, the country’s capital city, and remove the government of the dictator Saddam Hussein from power. We established a provisional governing authority run by Americans. That authority made the colossal mistake of removing members of Hussein’s Baath Party from their jobs whatever those jobs were, thereby removing nearly everyone who had actual knowledge of how to run a country and its infrastructure. Of course chaos ensued. That authority also disbanded the Iraqi army, thereby creating a large number of trained, armed soldiers with no allegiance to that authority at all. Other disastrous consequences of our invasion of Iraq, including the creation of ISIS, are well known. It is perhaps less clear that the invasion of Iraq was a response to 9-11 than it is with the other two responses we have considered. Nonetheless I believe that we never would have invaded Iraq had 9-11 never happened. Here's how I reach that conclusion.

Some background information is necessary here. The 2003 invasion was America’s second major military operation against Iraq. On August 2, 1990, Iraqi armed forces invaded and occupied the small but oil rich neighboring nation of Kuwait. The United States, together with many allies, went to war to force them out of that country. President George H. W. Bush ended the war once Iraq was out of Kuwait though some were pressuring him to send the army all the way to Baghdad to remove Saddam Hussein, the country’s dictator, from power.

Already by 1990 it was apparent that Saddam Hussein was a very bad actor. He had established a regime in Iraq modeled on Stalinist Russia. Like Stalin had done with the Communist Party, Hussein governed his country through one political party, in this case the Baath Party. In Soviet Russia a great many people joined the Communist Party not because they were convinced Communists but because belonging to the party was usually necessary for a person to advance in their career or to gain other perks. In Saddam’s Iraq the same was true for the Baath Party. Baath Party members were the Iraqis who knew how to do things like run a system of public transportation or operate a municipal water and sewer system. It seems doubtful that American decision makers truly understood what Saddam’s Baath Party was and what it meant for the normal operation of public functions in Iraq.

As is true of so many countries in Iraq’s part of the world, the demographics of Iraq are quite complex. A majority of the population is Shi’ite Muslim. A significant minority of the population is Sunni Muslim. Saddam Hussein headed a Sunni administration ruling over a majority Shi’ite population. There is also a substantial population of Kurds, mostly in the north of the country. The Kurds are predominately Sunni Muslims, but they are not Arabs as the majority of the country is. They are linguistically related to the Iranians. They live is several different countries in the region, mostly in northwest Iran, northern Iraq, northeastern Syria, and southeastern Turkey. They are reputed to be the largest ethnic group in the world that does not have its own country. The Saddam Hussein regime treated them brutally, at least once attacking them with nerve gas. Saddam also oppressed the majority Shi’ite Arab population by putting only Sunni Arabs in positions of power.

Defending the Iraqi Kurds and Sunni Arabs was not however the US’s stated purpose in invading Iraq in 2003. The stated purpose was to stop the Hussein regime from acquiring weapons of mass destruction and to dispose of any he may have had, weapons such a nerve gas and other toxins. Apparently US intelligence agencies had some slight, not very definitive information that said that Saddam had such weapons. It is also apparent, however, that the George W. Bush administration grossly overplayed what that slight evidence might suggest was an appropriate American response. It seem to be virtually certain that George W. Bush wanted to do what his father had not done in 1990, namely, to invade Iraq and get rid of Saddam Hussein and his regime. Just why W. Bush wanted to do that so badly is not entirely clear. It seems, however, that Saddam had made some sort of threat against Bush’s father, former president George H. W. Bush. It also appears to be true that W. Bush wanted to be a wartime president. Americans never support their president as much as they do when the country is at war. Most Americans think a couple of wartime presidents, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt, are our greatest presidents perhaps exceeded in public esteem only by George Washington, another wartime leader.. Be that as it may, it is undeniable that W. Bush and his administration latched onto the shaky intelligence about Saddam having weapons of mass destruction as a pretext for going to war against that country. Of course, it turned out that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction, something the Bush administration should have figured out before starting a war over such weapons.

There is another undeniable fact about the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. It was illegal. It was an illegal war of aggression against a nation that, evil as its ruler was, posed no threat at all to the United States. George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Chaney, and others who took the US to war against Iraq and who offered the flimsiest of excuses for doing so are war criminals under international law. Our invasion of Iraq was unprovoked and had no relationship to American national security other than a negative one. It made us less safe because of the reaction it provoked among the Sunni Arabs we removed from power in that complex country of which our leaders seem to have had no understanding at all.

In much of the analysis of the 2003 invasion of Iraq analysts seem to assume that the invasion would have been legal and justified if Saddam Hussein had actually had weapons of mass destruction. Is that assumption justified? I don’t think so. What threat would any WMDs Hussein had have posed to the United States? Essentially none. Hussein had no practical method of deploying those hypothetical weapons against the US and no reason to deploy them even if he had had the means to do it. Iraqi WMDs may have posed a threat to Israel, but Israel has proven several times over that it is more than capable of looking out after its own national security. Such weapons would have posed a threat to the Kurds, against whom Saddam had used them before, but what principle of international law makes us the defenders of the Kurds? None whatsoever. All of W Bush’s talk about weapons of mass destruction justifying our invasion of Iraq was nothing but a ruse designed to get the American people to support an illegal war that Bush and his neocon advisors just wanted to wage.

So the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an illegal war of aggression, but how was it a response to 9-11? Its connection to 9-11 lies in the way 9-11 heightened American awareness of the threat of Islamist terrorism. Not without justification the American people were much more frightened by Islamist terrorist groups like al-Qaeda after 9-11 than they had been before 9-11. It is safe to assume that American intelligence agencies were much more vigilant in protecting the US against such terrorism after 9-11 than they had been before 9-11. The Bush administration played on the American people’s fear of terrorism by claiming that Saddam Hussein might give weapons of mass destruction to terrorist groups. In making that claim the administration ignored two certain facts. First, there has never been any evidence that the Saddam regime had any friendly relationship with al-Qaeda or any other Islamist terrorist group. Second, it is undeniable that while Saddam had used a weapon of mass destruction against some of his own people, the Iraqi Kurds. He had never used them against anyone else except perhaps Iran in the long war between those two countries. It was only the fear of terrorist attack that 9-11 produced among the American people that made it possible for George W. Bush to cry “terrorism!” and get the American people to support his illegal war of aggression in Iraq. That is how our 2003 invasion of Iraq is a response to the 9-11 attack.


Conclusion: Never Forget


We just passed the 20th anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attack on our country. That anniversary is hardly a cause for celebration. It is rather a time of remembrance of the over three thousand people who died in that attack and especially of the courageous first responders, especially those of the New York Fire Department who acted so bravely and so many of whom lost their lives that day. I want nothing I say here in any way to reflect any lack of recognition of the horrible things that happened that day or to show any disrespect of those who suffered and died in that attack that at the time I called a terrorist Pearl Harbor. I do want to reflect here on the meaning  of a phrase that I heard over and over again as we marked that doleful anniversary. That phrase is, “Never forget.” It is both perfectly appropriate and potentially dangerous. Let me explain.

Events like 9-11 leave a long-term if not permanent scar on a nation’s psyche. They are things we cannot simply forget. In a couple of months we will mark the eightieth anniversary of the Japanese attack on the American military installations at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Very few people who were alive then are alive now, but still we remember December 7 as a day that, as President Roosevelt said at the time, will live in infamy. I expect that in 2081, eighty years after 9/11/01 Americans will still mark that date as another date that will live in infamy as indeed they should. That being said and sincerely meant, I must also say that there is a distinct danger that we will remember things we really should forget or that at least we should never repeat. My whole argument in this essay is that our responses to the 9-11 attack were all wrong. We responded to a law enforcement issue with military force. We responded to an attack by people who do not value or respect freedom and civil rights by passing a national law that restricted our freedom and some of our civil rights. There is a great deal we could learn from the 9-11 attack. There is a great deal we could learn from our misguided responses to it. If all we do is not forget we will very probably miss those lessons. So yes, never forget; but let us remember rightly. Let us not allow our remembering to become only a reinforcement of the mistakes we made. If we can do that perhaps all of the losses we sustained on that terrible day will not have been entirely in vain.

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