Saturday, August 27, 2022

Putin's Fifth Column


Putin’s Fifth Column

August 27, 2022


I’m reading the book Putin’s Playbook, Russia’s Secret Plan to Defeat America by Rebekah Koffler.[1] Koffler is ethnic Russian. She grew up in Soviet Kazakhstan and emigrated to the United States as a young woman.[2] She worked for years in American intelligence including time with the Defense Intelligence Agency, where she worked for General Michael Flynn. Her political views, which she expresses in the “Author’s Introduction, Why I Wrote This Book,” are appalling. Yet her analyses of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian people are spot on. She claims that American intelligence agencies and the whole American government don’t understand and resist understanding Russia. Never having worked in American intelligence or any other part of the American government, I am in no position to evaluate that claim. I write here only to present and discuss one little snippet from the book that is both intriguing and concerning.

Koffler discusses at some length what she depicts as Putin’s, and more broadly Russia’s, plan to weaken the United States through non-military acts. As part of that discussion she writes:


Fomenting a crisis and bringing about the collapse of the US government and democratic system are goals Putin is pursuing….According to the unclassified 2017 intelligence assessment, in the runup to the 2012 US presidential election, the Russian government-sponsored, English language channel RT News helped stir up discontent by alleging election fraud, voting machine vulnerabilities, corruption of the US ‘ruling class,’ lack of democracy in America, ‘corporate greed,’ and other inflammatory messages. RT also advocated that Americans ‘take back’ the government and change the US system through a ‘revolution.’[3]


In this brief passage Koffler attributes what she says Russia did to a particular media outlet and a particular time frame, but she would not hesitate to ascribe the activity she mentions to the entire Russian government and to Vladimir Putin himself over the course of many years and right up to today.

Koffler here says the Russians try to convince Americans of these things in order to disrupt and weaken America:


1.      Election fraud.

2.      Voting machine vulnerabilities.

3.      Corruption of the US “ruling class.”

4.      Lack of democracy in America.

5.      “Corporate greed.”

6.      The need for Americans to “take back” their government.

7.      The need for them to do it through a revolution.


Of course, Russia spreads these disruptive lies clandestinely and denies that they do it at all. Concealing their hand in the spread of these things is part of their method of getting Americans to disrupt their own government while being unaware that Russia had anything to do with their beliefs and actions. The most striking thing about this list of things the Russians have spread in our country sub rosa is how closely its elements correspond to the beliefs of the MAGA, Trumpist wing of American politics. They correspond to those beliefs as follows.

Donald Trump and his minions have been screaming about supposed election fraud in this country for years. Even before he was elected in 2016, Trump declared that he could lose that election only if it were “rigged” against him. Since he lost the 2020 presidential election he has spread the big lie that he really won that election by a landslide but that his victory was somehow stolen from him. He continues to spread this lie to this day.

MAGA Republicans have been yelling about nonexistent voting machine vulnerabilities for years. They have made wild accusations against the companies that made the machines, and have been sued for defamation because they did. Some Trumpists wanted the government to seize voting machines in swing states that Trump lost, presumably so they could allege to have proven that the machines were indeed vulnerable and had indeed been hacked to create the result the anti-Trump forces wanted. It mattered not at all to those advocating the seizure of the machines that the federal government has no legal authority to do it.

The MAGA right’s connection to the allegation that America’s “ruling class” is corrupt is perhaps less obvious than are its connection to allegations of election fraud and voting machine vulnerability, but that connection is definitely there. The entire Trumpist, MAGA movement arises at least in part from the sense of many ordinary Americans that the people who supposedly control the government have worked for decades against their desires and interests. They have supposedly instead favored Black and Brown Americans. LGBTQ+ Americans. Non-evangelical Christian Americans (especially secular Americans). People not born or legally residing in the United States. The supposedly liberal elites of the east and west coasts. To the MAGA right, the supposed bias of the government and those who control it and use it against them surely appear to be corrupt.

The MAGA right also screams about what it sees as the lack of true democracy in this country. Trump and his acolytes (like Rudi Giuliani) have told Trump’s base over and over again that it is up to them to rescue the country’s democracy from those who supposedly have taken it away from them. Trump has told them that if they don’t, they won’t have a country anymore.

Corporate greed is perhaps not a term Trumpists use often, but a hatred of and desire to change it are still there in the movement. Trumpists scream all the time about how big corporations have cost the country a vast number of jobs by moving their manufacturing operations overseas. Those corporations have of course done it to reduce labor costs and thereby to increase profits. The Trumpists believe, not entirely incorrectly, that the desire of the big corporations for ever greater profits, which one can easily call greed, has hurt them economically. They want that situation reversed.

“Take our country back” and “Take the government back” are phrases the MAGA right uses all the time. The use of those phrases comes from a sense the Trumpists have that people like them used to control the US government, that they no longer do, and that their control of it must be restored. It doesn’t matter whether or not this sense is supported by the facts. It only matters that a great many Americans believe their sense of the matter, and what Trump tells them about it, to be true.

Finally, the Russians have worked to advance revolution as the way to restore the world the MAGA right believes once existed, no longer exists, and must be reestablished. At least some elements of the Trumpist movement have adopted this belief. We see it expressed in various ways. Donald Trump courts the support of armed, violent American terrorist groups (usually wrongly called militias) like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers. He says there are “fine people” among the armed terrorists who marched through Charlottesville, Virginia chanting, “Jews will not replace us!” Never mind that anti-Judaism is a worn out fascist ideology that was always a lie and that hardly anyone will accept today. Trump condemns these violent groups only reluctantly and half-heartedly. We also see the notion of revolution as the way to correct America’s supposed wrongs in the way Trumpist extremists speak of starting a new civil war against what they consider to be the country’s established order.

And then there is January 6, 2021. A mob stirred up by Donald Trump and others stormed the US Capitol building. They broke in, forced everyone legally there to flee for their lives, changed that the wanted to hand Vice President Pence, and attacked and injured Capitol police officers. Through more than three hours of this seditious riot Trump sat in the White House watching and loving his mob’s attempt to overthrow the United States government by keeping Congress from carrying out one of its constitutional duties. Seditious rioting and revolution are sufficiently similar that Putin must have been delighted when he learned what Trump’s mob had done.

I don’t know to what extent Russian meddling in our country influenced the MAGA right to adopt these positions and conduct these acts, but it doesn’t matter. Whether that meddling was influential or not, the alignment of Russian disruption points and the MAGA agenda is unmistakable. Vladimir Putin and his sycophants in the Kremlin must be beyond delighted to see such a large segment of the American people playing directly into their hands. The MAGA right is nothing less than Putin’s fifth column in the United States. It’s agenda and actions are disrupting and weakening this country in exactly the way Putin desires. And of course, the members of the MAGA movement (except perhaps for Donald Trump himself) are utterly unaware that they are giving Russia exactly what it wants from us. The way the MAGA right is doing Putin’s work for him is yet another reason for all of us to oppose it and bring an end to it as soon as possible.

[1] Koffler, Rebekah, Putin’s Playbook, Russia’s Secret Plan to Defeat America, (Regnery Gateway, Washington, D.C., 2021).

[2] There are significant populations of ethnic Russians in all of the former Soviet Socialist Republics.

[3]Op. cit., 91-92.

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